[g8-sheffield] Re: a bunch of (violent?) hippies

adriana hjdsmdr at mixmail.com
Thu Jun 16 17:14:38 BST 2005

> as they lied
>> on the news yesterday.

i wasn't out there in the evening, and as you can see not out there
right now. Pictured myself beside the narrow and large banner placed 
across the Winter's gardens though.

Following the news, the Marco van Belle Look North looked a bit
sympathetic to our causes: representative doctor Julie was "well 
dressed" for the event, no
hippy-style at all but the proper counterpart for the City Council guy
with his preposterous tie, who repeated how honoured Sheffield was with
this visit.  (On Look North, yesterday afternoon, but the slot was shot
earlier, not yesterday, wasn't it?) This kind journalist must found it
difficult to provide an alternative view, but Julie W. did it very well
imho, managing in a few seconds to pronounce at least some reasonable 

Later in the evening, felt completely puzzled about the so-called
violent protesters, who were in fact shown as being violently assaulted
by police, at least in my view, which may be unique (sorry).
In the late deep hours, a Pakistani female writer addressed the Muslim
problem in Sheffield, and highlighted this very hot issue: that only a
few selected groups are allowed in this city to make any kind of march, 
protest or action: first they have to be registered with
the police, who decide which groups are allowed to protest and which
arenot: how many are there, etc. etc.  Strategy of splitting  activists. 
This program was on as I tell
you very late, so that no audience would follow it.

BTW, dear Kathleen, if you like writing why don't you join me at the
wiki on Literary Texts, i feel lonely there with my news analysis and
meanstream media feedback.

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