[g8-sheffield] A Poem For Matilda's Funeral Rites To Be Performed on Tuesday 9a.m.

Amparo P Gutierrez amparo2yo at telefonica.net
Sun Jun 25 03:08:53 BST 2006


Requiescat in Pacem, dear Matilda
To revive and flourish Some Other Time
Dream of Us who always dreamt of You
Let's sleep in oblivion for a While

It was a summer solstice in two thousand and six
The day they came with laws on their hands
To get things right --they said. To fix
Your demolition As it was planned;

Your funeral will be held in a few Days
But we rejoice 'coz you'll never Die
Neither in June, July nor May
So requiescat, Matilda, say goodbye

To the good old days when songs and play
Were your daily nurture, Mum;
Let me weave flowers in your Hair
Let me arrange your Hairbun.

By A Vegan Mole and A Vegan Rat: Please bring along some flowers will you?

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