[g8-sheffield] Billy Bragg and patriotism

John Smith johncsmith at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 5 10:48:22 GMT 2007

<The estimable Billy Bragg is looking for a community group or similar 
in Sheffield who might be interested in staging a meeting with him on the 
subject of 'Progressive Patriotism' and what it means to be English. 
Would anyone be interested in being put in touch with him, or know 
anyone who might be?

  <Yours, Chris
  tell him where to stick it. "Progressive patriotism" is a contradiction in terms. It is pure poison, exacty what Blair and Brown are also serving up. Billy Bragg is fast becoming another Bob Geldoff, and one is already one too many. Here's an excerpt from an article in the Red Pepper (full version: http://www.redpepper.org.uk/brit/x-may2005-bragg.htm). There's plenty of other articles on the net by and about BB which show that he is campaigning for us to vote for the War Party (formerly known as the Labour Party). 
  John S
  Rockin' the vote: Billy Bragg for Blair?  Omar Waraich 
  May 2005 
  You woke up this morning
To the fact we&#65533;ve lost the things
We took for granted between us
  -Billy Bragg, The Myth of Trust
  &#65533;Culture,&#65533; Norman Mailer once said, &#65533;is worth huge, huge risks.&#65533; Billy Bragg seems prepared to take those risks, and his rhymes of resistance and years of political campaigning have established him as the doyen of British protest music. But now that the rock star and songwriter is lending his talents to a string of pro-war New Labour candidates in their election bids, he has fallen foul of several of his fans and fellow campaigners

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