[matilda] emails points in lieu of attending the meeting

Joe Public iloveavocado at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 10 11:10:53 BST 2005

Hullo Matilda,

Can't make the meeting tonight as I will be off punk rocking at the 
Cricketer's. I have a few things that I want to contribute anyhow, so if 
someone could add them to the agenda/input them for me, it would be much 

1. C90.
I wasn't at C90, I didn't help at all and yet I'm still going to talk about 
it. Only briefly though. Some people (like Dan's housemate) thought it was 
amazing, some people had hassle, but Matilda still stands and the bizzies 
didn't come. I'm worried that Gav feels like people are blaming any trouble 
on him, when all events are meant to be run collectively. Maybe our ethos is 
more clearly defined than when C90 confirmed a couple of months ago, but I 
think that keeping our promises is as important as any other aspect, so I 
think it was right to put C90 on. And we need to remember that C90 have 
never made a profit on any of their club nights (as a Go Sheffo interview 
told me). That's pretty much it, I hope there isn't drama in the meeting.

2. cleaning
There were about 8 people down for the work day yesterday. We did get plenty 
done and drink lots of tea, but considering we get at least 30 people to 
each meeting, I was a bit disappointed that there weren't more people 
around. It could be that the work day was short notice, or that people were 
at church, in which case could I propose that another work day is scheduled 
tonight, and people make a concerted effort to be there.

3. Rob Thaxton weekend.
Rob Thaxton, or Rob Los Ricos, is an American Chicano anarchist in jail for 
throwing a rock at a cop in Eugene at J18, 1999. He was sentenced to 8 years 
in jail and has just been given a release date in June 2006. His support 
crew have asked for people around the world to make the weekend of the 
11th-13th Novermber a solidarity weekend, with benefits to help him out when 
he gets out of prison (its also the anniversary of the Haymarket Martyrs' 

I'm up for doing some stuff at Matilda, but I need help! Rob has asked that 
we think outside the box of benefit gigs, and I'm sure we can come up with 
something fun if we put our heads together. Rob's website is here 
http://www.defenestrator.org/roblosricos/ and wikipedia entry is here 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Thaxton . Rob has written some dead good 
stuff while he's been inside, and I'd really encourage people to help show 
some solidarity. I'd also be interested in making this a part of wider 
prisoner solidarity work within Matilda. Email me if you want to help out, 
or see me at next Monday's meeting. Oh yeh, my proposal is to put the 
weekend in the diary and for people to maybe suggest activities?

4. er, that's it.


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