[matilda] loads of furniture, office equipment, etc, some of which might be useful

dougald hine writetodougald at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 17:23:48 GMT 2006

Hi everyone,

My girlfriend is supervising the demolition of a building. There's
lots of stuff in it that might be useful to Matilda - or somewhere
else. They're starting to take out the asbestos next week, though, so
if we want any of it, we'd need to pick it up before then.

Here's the list of what they've got:

 - 4 filing cabinets
 - 2 post/ pigeon hole cabinets
 - blinds for windows with clips that make them easily detachable and easy
to refit
 - 30 - 50 (can't be bothered to count) wallfitted mirrors
 - 3 'Belfast' sinks (made lots of my colleagues go "ooh!")
 - 1 crow bar (? perhaps for biddies that mis-behaved!)
 - 3 step- ladders, various heights
 - 50 + energy efficient lightbulbs, though they're all in lights already so
we'd have to find a safe way to pack them
 - a washing line thingy apparently (you know the upside down umbrella
shaped ones)
 - very large cork notice board
 - couple of chairs
 - loads and loads of shelving

What does anyone reckon?


Dougald Hine

freelance journalist, writer, activist
based in South Yorkshire

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