[matilda] Climate Change conference Feb 3rd

Jenny Patient jenny.patient at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jan 18 10:27:32 GMT 2007

Hello - here are details of an open event - please pass on. Contributions to music, workshops, info tables (cafe style) and general organising very welcome - just get in touch! (sorry for multiple list madness...)



Open Climate Change Conference (free entry)

Saturday 3rd February, St Mary's Community Centre, Bramall Lane, Sheffield

A chance for Sheffield people to have their say and discover practical steps to combat climate change locally and globally. Share ideas and discover how Sheffield can be much less reliant on fossil fuel, the main source of global warming, and be a happier place.

Eco-footprinting - find your own impact on the planet and how to reduce it

Food - local solutions won't cost the earth

Energy - how to save energy at home, and make Sheffield a low-carbon city

Transport- what kinds of affordable, effective transport do we need?

National and Global - campaigns and resources

10-12.30 pm: Opening speakers and morning workshops

12.30 -2.00 pm: Affordable veggie lunch, music, kids activities, stalls

2.00 to 4pm: Afternoon workshops and plenary


Come to morning or afternoon session, or just for lunch.

Free entry -(thanks to St Mary's church) - donations welcome.

An accessible complement to the invitation-only "Cooling The Planet" conference, that Al Gore will be addressing.

Booking not essential but helps for catering. Reserve a place or book a stall: Rob Last - roblast61 at btinternet.com / 0114 2509180

Further information:

Heather Hunt - heather.hunt at blueyonder.co.uk / 0114 2217284

Jenny Patient - jenny.patient at blueyonder.co.uk / 0114 2587073

Check website for programme http://sheffield.campaigncc.org/

Event coordinated by: Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change (and other local organisations)
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