[ssf] Minutes, 3rd February

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Fri Feb 4 02:42:45 GMT 2005

Ee ar:


Apologies for the lack of clear actions against names. We should work on 

And if the WIKI's not to your liking:

Minutes 3rd february 2005

1. We discussed the flyer for the BOM (Big Open Meeting) on the 17th.
1. Dave rightly pointed out that Dan had produced a draft flyer, posted 
to the list asking for opinions and then ignored everybody's opinion and 
printed the flyers anway. Dan justified this on the basis that 'I get 
really into making the flyers. They're an artistic endeavour'.
2. The conclusion was that Dave would also make his own flyer and make 
some of his own contacts, and that Dan would try to genuinely 
accommodate other people's views and not be so precious, as well as 
doing a photoshop / flyer workshop at some point.
2. Hallam Action, 14th Feb:
1. Not sure of time, or details, but will keep people informed...
2. It was noted that no-one wanted to make students unhappy, and that 
RAH should try to make their case to students.
3. The BOM: the Big Open Meeting, Feb 17th, St. Andrews
1. Started with Amp proposing that No2ID come along, as well as DefyID 
from Liverpool.
2. There is a meeting on 10th Feb, Spital Hill New Roots, 6pm to plan 
no2id stuff.
3. Brief argument re. Whether SSF could 'endorse' it. Split between the 
'campaigners' and the 'open-spacers' as usual.
4. Open spacers arguing that the BOM was a mini-social forum, in effect.
5. Two most witty comments of evening go to Chris:
1. ”You can be put under house arrest if Charles Clarke doesn't like you.”
2. ”This isn't the thin end of the wedge any more – we're on the middle 
bit of it.”
6. Dan outlined two issues for the BOM:
1. Forward planning: having a programme of stuff, ways of being 
involved, etc in the SSF itself for people who come along.
2. The structure of the actual day. We talked a lot – but didn't 
conclude very much.
7. Start with giving any group that wants it 5 minutes to talk
8. Break meeting into sections, with food and drink and mooching break
9. reconvene at end
10. Strike an exact and perfect balance between organisation and fluidity
11. Chris and Dan to phone around some people to get them to confirm. 
Dan to organise phoning list.
12. Dan to draft a structure for the evening, and solicit other ideas.
13. Everyone else to contact whosoever they can, and get them along
14. Dan highlighted the tri-partite focus of Make Poverty History, G8, 
Peace in the Park, and the fact that DECSY had agreed to support the 
school outreach workshops, leading to a youth 'event' at PiP – and that 
they're applying for funding along these lines for the next three years, 
so this could become an established institution. How cool is that? Woo 
hoo! (Sorry!)
15. Alice to be in charge of bringing tea and coffee
16. Others to bring various food items. Dan bringing wonderful home-made 
4. Make Poverty History:
1. 16th Feb – the University Arts Tower is to host the launch of MPH. 
More details from Chris! How can we help? Well – we can go and flyer them!
5. Welfare: Sheffield Welfare Action Network wants to get going.
1. There's a call for able-bodied people to join in, and to make room 
for the hard-work politics of welfare, that might not seem as exciting 
as, say, breaking TVs.
2. 24th Feb: Church Action on Poverty meeting on welfare – Dave and Jase 
doing a presentation.
3. Suggest: get flyer done for SWAN / SSF meeting to promote there. Date 
of meeting – Thur 17th March
4. Moz pointed out that staff as well as claimants may well be up for 
joining in the campaign.
6. Website: needs overhauling.
1. Andy has produced an accessibility document.
2. Dan to have a look...
3. Feb 17th meet will hopefully get some willing volunteers
7. Burngreave and Firvale Masterplan & Spital Hill Local Voice
1. Minuted that Deacon Dave has done a fantastic job of getting 
everything done for this. Two articles in the Star in as many days, and 
the council have agreed to a task group to work out the way forward!
2. Dan noted that WEA have agreed to help fund and support a reseach 
'active citizenship' project to support participation. We have to supply 
a proposal...
8. 'Then we drank beer. It woz gud.

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