[AcLab] news regarding MariaDB

Shark the_shark a nitroteam.biz
Dom 24 Mar 2013 12:33:20 UTC

Salve a tutti,

Oggi guardo se ci sono aggiornamenti per Slackware e mi trovo una lista
di svariati pacchetti, ecco una parte del Changelog.

The big news here is the removal of MySQL in favor of MariaDB.  This
shouldn't really be a surprise on any level.  The poll on LQ showed a
majority of our users were in favor of the change.  It's my belief that
the MariaDB Foundation will do a better job with the code, be more
responsive to security concerns, and be more willing to work with the
open source community.  And while I don't think there is currently any
issue with MySQL's licensing of the community edition for commercial
several threads on LQ showed that there is confusion about this, whereas
with MariaDB the freedom to use the software is quite clear.  Thanks are
due to Heinz Wiesinger for his work on transitioning the build script,
testing, and getting us all behind this move.  He's been working with
MariaDB (and their developers) for several years now.  Vincent Batts
had a hand in the early discussions here -- he met Daniel Bartholomew of
MariaDB on a train last year and got a copy of the source to play with
pass the time on the journey (ah, the miracle of thumbdrives :), and was
impressed with not only MariaDB itself, but also with the welcome that
Slackware was getting.  We expect they'll be responsive to any concerns
we have.  In the vast majority of situations, MariaDB is entirely
compatible with existing MySQL databases and will drop right in with no
changes required.  There's an article available outlining the areas in
which MariaDB differs from MySQL that I'd recommend reading:
Thanks to the MariaDB Foundation!  We look forward to working with you.

Inoltre un amico mi aveva segnalato tempo fa che anche Fedora sta
passando a MariaDB per la prossima release, Fedora 19:


Buona domenica,

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