|TRRK0LAB| Link Convocatoria Festival en Australia

Paula Vélez pvelezbr at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 13:04:43 UTC 2010

lo mando, porque el tema cala bien con el TERRIk0lab.
y bueno, se que no vamos a alcanzar a mandar todavía nada para participar,
pero el proyecto en el que estamos tiene mucha relevancia y coincide con una
tendencia en todo el mundo. es una de las metas o motivaciones extra, viajar
, conocer otras experiencias, aprender.



“*The 2010 Next Wave Festival will explore the role of risk in a risk-averse
culture. Under pressure to conform, we have all become experts in
micro-managing our own behaviour. But is this self-surveillance distracting
us from the bigger risks, the more un-manageable ones which are increasingly
– and radically – changing our world? Just what does “risk” actually mean in
these volatile times?*

“*In a wider culture of risk management, how prepared are we to make
decisions that are brave, courageous or transgressive? Where is the line
between our own personal, moral and ethical worlds, and the codes and
principles which circulate in the broader context of contemporary culture?
What is our capacity to draw, hold or cross this line? What are the real
risks of our time, what are the risks worth taking, and what is our role as
individuals, and as artists, in relation to them? How can we act boldly and
imaginatively, in art and in life?*“

PD. quienes van a asomarse por el UNLOQUER hoy?
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