[AktiviX-discuss] proposals

Amias Channer aktivix at amias.org.uk
Sat Jan 22 21:53:48 UTC 2005

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 01:22:44 +0000
mp <mp at aktivix.org> wrote:

> hi,
> due to the evolution of the web, the increased sophistication of
> google's search algorithms and so on it is herewith proposed to
> radically reconfigure the procedures of requests and processes of
> dealing with requests for aktivix services.
> The proposal has three points:
> 1# archive entries concerning email or list requests to be removed for
> their obvious contribution to anyone who may wish to map out activist
> network (including this mail!)

emails falling in to this group could be tagged with a X-No-Archive header
which mailman ( from version 2.1 upwards) will observe . Seeing as this is 
what you are using at the moment it could be very easily implimented.
> 2# a simple HTML form, to be placed on main page or prominently linked
> to from here, in which to make a request be substituted for current
> procedures.
> 3# the list-owner group should receive the requests (the form) and make
> the decision according to their knowledge of those who request, and of
> course ask for seconding etc. as necessary. there may be issues about
> accountability etc. in this context, but they are, imho, secondary and
> can easily be dealt with. if list owner group is as a minimum 5 (as
> currently) it should possible to have this level of responsibility
> delegated - taken into consideration that gains in privacy.
> What do people think?

Seems like you need a seperate list for requests , this could allow anyone
to subscribe , only after members of that list had been checked out could they 
then join the main list . You get open access but with out comprimising the
security of the core. Any one concered about seeing who applies to join the
list would be encoraged to join the requests list , others who where less 
concerned would be oblivious if they didnt join that list.

Archives could then by made of the main list (and discarded from the requests
list deliberately) which where only accessable to subscribers of the main list ,
mailman supports this , optionally with obfuscated email addresses . 
If the archive site had a properly configured robots.txt file it could block indexing
by search engines and so would not be easily available to the web searching 
public . There are other more forcefull  methods to restrict access but this should

I'm happy to help with the technical implications of implimenting this :)


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