[AktiviX-discuss] proposals

Amias Channer aktivix at amias.org.uk
Mon Jan 24 12:14:47 UTC 2005

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:53:07 -0000
"Charlie Harvey " <charlie at peopleandplanet.org> wrote:

> # demail.pl - remove emails from STDIN

Two points :

1. Mailman will do this for us if we tell it to , that way we don't have to arrange for your code to be run
via cron on each achived message.

2. If you do your regexes with an x on the end (s///x) you can spread them out and put in comments.
e.g. s/
	\b               # start with a word boundary
	[\w|\-|\_|\.]+   # match the bit before the @ , any alphas and - _ or .
        \@               # match the @
        ([\w|\-|\_]+\.)+# match the domain name and trailling dot and capture
        [a-zA-Z]{2,}  # match tlds 
        \b                # end on word boundary
        [email_removed] # replace with this
       /xg;                # allow comments to be added , run this untill it matches no more.

     Hopefully my comments might have pointed out a the two problems with that regex.


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