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Hi Folks,<br>
Happy New Year, an'aw'that.<br>
We're coming out of hibernation and getting our act together ready for
the Big Blether in May, so this is the big shout out for
contacts and suggestions for workshops you would like to see at the
We have compiled a wish list on the bigblether wiki (the bigblether
website that YOU can edit), you can see the list (and edit it) here: <a
If you have any useful contacts for people that may be interested in
talking about any of the listed topics (or anything else you would like
to see at the blether) please get in touch with <a
who has generously taken on the massive task of organising the
If you have any queries or suggestions about anything else to do with
the blether please send messages to <a
href="mailto:info@bigblether.org.uk">info@bigblether.org.uk</a> and we
will try our best to help.<br>
Cheers and all the best for 2006,<br>