mantxo martinez mantxo at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 8 17:42:09 GMT 2005

shocked by images of hardship after earthquake, winter
and capitalist dispossession in Pakistan, Here is your
this doesn´t go through any of those suspicious
charities but straight throgh sound Pakistani paeople.
Aki Nawaz (Fun´da´mental) is going there next week.
Hurry up to make a donation, not for him but for
people and for organiations which he knows.
in solidarity
account No- 52918890
 sort code 60 11 13
Nat west
25 shepherds Bush Green london W12 8PR

(let me know how much you send )

--- akinawaz <akinawaz at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Dear Good People or otherwise
> On 14 Dec I fly out to Pakistan for a few weeks - I
> will be filming in Kashmir where the earthquake hit-
> my intention is to live with people in their
> reality, film this, and a major TV channel in the UK
> is interested in airing it, after I get back to the
> UK - I intend to endure the hardship people are
> suffering and if I am strong enough, to capture the
> reality on camera.
> I know the situation is terrible and no romantic
> adventure.I also know that much of the aid has not
> arrived and the blame can be put on many
> parties-however this is just a humble request to ask
> if you wish me to take some money and deliver it
> into the hands of people directly, I am happy to do
> so.
> Whatever you donate will be 100% to those people and
> not a penny will go to any expenditure I incur in
> any shape or form or to anyone I see not fit to be
> given the money i.e. there are people there claiming
> many things. Obviously you will have to trust me and
> I will not let anyone down, I promise.
> If you care to donate whatever amount -please  email
> me back and we can arrange how the cash can be
> picked up or dropped off.
> I am sorry its a bit late but I felt embarrased to
> ask until I had a conversation with some people who
> explained the situation is very intense and
> dangerous especially for children, so thought it
> better I do something than just be "cynical old
> twat" about the issue.
> The only charity I feel really solid with is Edhi
> Foundation who are amazing and I may film them in
> action and I know them to be reputable, genuien and
> always where it matters.    
> Please feel free and 14 Dec is next Wednesday.
> Thank you
> 25 Quid is the equivalent to a months wage to feed a
> family -so every little is a lot !!!!! 
> Aki
> If we make peaceful revolution impossible, 
> we make violent revolution inevitable.
> John f kennedy
> Aki Nawaz
> Nation Records Ltd
> 19 All Saints Rd
> London W11 1HE
> tel- 0207 792 8167
> fax -0207 792 2854
> mob=07971 206144 (urgent only)
> e-mail-akination at btopenworld.com
> web-www.nationrecords.co.uk
>       -www.fun-da-mental.co.uk

Martin Mantxo
14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol BS5 6JY



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