[Bristol-artivist] next workshop?

mantxo martinez mantxo at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 7 19:44:46 BST 2005

Hi everyone:
it seemed like some people were up for cntinuing with
the workshop. I want to confirm that and what the
comitment is
1- I know that for next month Adam is playing a day
out - he, Tim and I presume Gareth won't be attended
them. It may be a nice day like in march when only one
person attended... it'll be the last workshop before
the Glenagles malarchy - is it worth to have a
workshop? how many people will attend?

2- and then it's the summer. July and August... how
many people will come

let me know

Martin Mantxo
14 Robertson Rd, Easton
Bristol BS5 6JY


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