[Campaignforrealdemocracy] Fwd: co-ordination + ideology

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 2 18:03:31 UTC 2010

 FYI sent to student lists

Hi everyone

Although i'm not aware of the exact details, I know there's been an issue
over national student coordination, and perhaps London-centrism, re the
[student days of action on ] 5th, 11th Dec and presumably beyond. I imagine
this has now been partially resolved, by the speed of events and the
excellent and organic nature of the mobilisations, including focus on the
coming fees vote on the 9th in Parliament. But co-ordination, along with
ideology, is an issue I'd like to suggest needs looking at in much more
detail if we are all to be best prepared as the struggle moves forward
(regardless of how the vote goes, hugely important though it is)..

As the co-ordination point is bound to come up again perhaps the practical
example of how ideology should relate to working relationships between local
Assemblies might be worth focusing on ?  That said,  i'm not entirely clear
whether assemblies have yet been convened anywhere outside of London, and if
they've not it might be a great idea to propose that they are.

Some basic questions spring to mind, for example: how far if at all is it
accepted by student organisers that a Uni based properly organised and
co-ordinated revolutionary assembly movement to draw all anti-cuts groups
together might be a great way forward? Last week's events at Lewisham Town
Hall were very encouraging but what do people think are the chances of more
joined up actions like this in the future? It should be noted that according
to reports it was the student arrival that made the action.

But in order for the brilliant energy of all students to carry the day the
wider left also needs to do its bit not least in the realm of ideology.
Given that Assemblies  (from Greece to SWP to students on campus) appear to
be a happening idea, with quite a lot of mileage is it worth considering and
developing proposals for local student meetings on how future assemblies
might be constituted for inclusivity, how best they might work in unison
with other local groups, and whether they operate as spokescouncils, in
federation and connection with bigger assemblies or completely autonomously
or whatever. This question will have ramifications for the future of the
student and wider movement and obviously calls into play big questions about
ideology. How much openess/ room is there to the promulgation of new
ideology in student Assemblies, ie for a joined up movement that aims at
real democracy in all spheres of life, via a completely new political
economy - and not this sham Democracy we've become entrapped by?

It would be good to have your thoughts on all this to feed into
1.this Sunday 5th's right to work hosted unity meeting (i know
actions/events will be ongoing but some student delegates from NCACF and EAN
most welcome - see below and I have 5 spaces reserved let me know if you
want one of them)
2.next Sat 11th Dec www.peoplesassemblies.org (ditto re clash with actions
already ongoing and your presence, nonetheless very welcome)
3. Jan 16th Ninja National Gathering in Manchester
3. Right to Work Peoples Convention 12th Feb Friends meeting house London

*Join anti-cuts campaigners, students, trade unionists and many more to

How Can We Unite to Stop the Cuts
Right to Work Forum
Sunday 5 December
NUJ Head Office
Headland House, 308 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DP (Kings Cross tube)
£3 waged, £1 unwaged
Places have to booked in advance. To book ticket ring 07986 085162 or email
righttoworkconference at gmail.com
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