[Cja] [{SPAM} (HC)] - Re: Call for World Bank to stay out of climate negotiations / Negociaciones internacionales de clima: se necesita acción urgente

Asad Rehman asad.rehman at foe.co.uk
Thu Oct 7 11:28:20 UTC 2010

My apologies.. I sent it to the wrong list.. was meant to be to the general CJA list




Asad Rehman

Head of International Climate

Friends of the Earth

(England, Wales and Northern Ireland)


26-28 Underwood Street


N1 7JQ


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asad.rehman at foe.co.uk

www.foe.co.uk <http://www.foe.co.uk/> 


Friends of the Earth England, Wales and North of Ireland is a member of Friends of the Earth International, the world's largest grassroots environmental network with 77 member groups and 2 million supporters around the world. Our vision is of a peaceful, just and sustainable world based on societies living in harmony with nature.





From: anna plume [mailto:plume.anna at gmail.com] 
Sent: 07 October 2010 11:11
To: Climate Justice Action
Subject: [{SPAM} (HC)] - Re: [Cja]Call for World Bank to stay out of climate negotiations / Negociaciones internacionales de clima: se necesita acción urgente


This type of email is not for this list. This is a list for CJA related working communication only. 
There are enough lists with lots of traffic and people on this list will get the information from them.
Thanks !

2010/10/6 Asad Rehman <asad.rehman at foe.co.uk>


Dear Cyberactivist,

The US Government wants the climate-trashing World Bank to take control
of the Global Climate Fund. The fund is a pot into which countries like
the US and those in the European Union should deposit money to help
developing countries tackle the impacts of climate change.

Who devises the fund, manages the money and decides how it is allocated
is causing big arguments at this month's UN climate change negotiations
in China.

The US wants to hand responsibility of this fund to the World Bank -
which has invested more money in dirty coal this year than ever before.

The US must take responsibility for action on climate and drop its World
Bank plans.

Take action
Email Hillary Clinton and Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change
Jonathan Pershing today.


In solidarity,

Friends of the Earth International


Etimada/o Ciberactivista,

El gobierno de Estados Unidos quiere que el Banco Mundial asuma el
control del Fondo Mundial para el Clima - y estᠵtilizando tᣴicas
intimidatorias para lograrlo. Pide a Hillary Clinton y a su Enviado
Especial Adjunto para Cambio Climᴩco que abandonen su plan desastroso.

El Fondo Mundial para el Clima es el fondo en que los pa�s como
Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido depositan dinero para ayudar a los
pa�s en desarrollo a combatir los impactos del cambio climᴩco.

Pero qui鮠dise񡠥l fondo, administra el dinero y decide c󭯠se gasta
estᠰrovocando grandes discusiones en las negociaciones de cambio
climᴩco de la ONU que se realizan en China este mes.

Estados Unidos debe asumir la responsabilidad de la acci󮠰or el clima
- y abandonar sus planes de involucrar al Banco Mundial.

Los negociadores estᮠreunidos ahora para discutir los pasos a seguir -
por favor env�es un mensaje exigi鮤oles un cambio de acci󮮼br> 
Env�hoy un correo electr󮩣o a Hillary Clinton y Jonathan Pershing


En solidaridad,

Amigos de la Tierra Internacional
Support Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth Limited - Company No 1012357
Friends of the Earth Trust - Company No 1533942
Registered Charity No 281681
Registered Office - 26 - 28 Underwood Street, London. N1 7JQ

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Support Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth Limited - Company No 1012357
Friends of the Earth Trust - Company No 1533942
Registered Charity No 281681
Registered Office - 26 - 28 Underwood Street, London. N1 7JQ
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