[Cja] Callout for General Assembly from #OccupyCOP17

Kevin Buckland kevin at 350.org
Fri Nov 25 09:21:35 UTC 2011

*Below is a call-out for a general assembly for the
COP17<http://www.occupycop17.org>in Durban, South Africa

and here is song <http://soundcloud.com/creamy-ewok-baggends/occupy> in
solidarity from Durban artist Ewok.

Also, discussions are moving ahead regarding Madrid's proposal for a Global
Day of Action for Human Rights on December
10th<http://dec10.takethesquare.net/english/>(the Day after COP17
ends, (probably) allowing Kyoto to expire without
*any* binding predecessor). Forum for ideas
with a developing thread on intergenerational justice.


*#OccupyCop17: Climate Justice General Assembly*

Governments of the world are, for the 17th time, assembling to discuss how
we react on an international scale to a changing climate. During these last
16 years a sane response to an unsustainable global culture has not been

Inside their assembly and inside their declarations the needs of the 99%
are not being heard. Private corporations are occupying our seats in the UN
climate talks and governments corrupted by corporate influence are claiming
to represent our needs.They are abusing and pillaging the consensus
process, once put in place to ensure even the smallest and most vulnerable
had a say.

We, as a planet, have been shown we can no longer rely on the same
structures that have allowed for famines, floods, hurricanes and massacres
to escalate relentlessly. There is a historic responsibility, and a global
necessity for action.

Here in Durban, where Nelson Mandela cast his first vote and Ghandi held
his first public meeting, we’re putting out an invitation to anyone who
wishes to have their voice heard: to join a dialogue of how we must react
to ensure the present culture of 1% of the worlds population does no
injustice to the future of the 99%.

On *Monday, November 28th at 11am*, as representative from 192
nation-states begin their talks, we will also meet.

This a humble invitation for all, to come and engage in an open and
peaceful General Assembly around the theme of climate justice.

In the spirit of general assembly’s from around the world we will talk, we
will listen, we will learn, and we will respect each other through our

This is what democracy looks like.

It is time our voices were heard.

It’s time to #OccupyCop17 <http://twitter.com/OccupyCOP17>

*General Assembly*

*11am Monday 28th November*

*Speakers Corner*

*Walnut Rd/Bram Fischer Rd*

*Durban, South Africa*

Kevin Buckland
Art Ambassador, 350.org
kevin at 350.org
skype: change.of.art
Twitter: change_of_art
Durban:  0719038165
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