[Dissent-fr-info] JUNE 2010: THE PEOPLE WON

Dissent! France Info Newsletter dissent-fr-info at lists.aktivix.org
Wed Aug 4 22:06:09 UTC 2010

liaphine <liaphine at googlemail.com> a écrit :

>please forward widely: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/node/432
>Statement from the Toronto Community Mobilization Network
>(July 26, One month after the G20 summit)
>Since September 2009, we’ve worked to challenge, disrupt and abolish the
>G8/G20. We used the fleeting moment of the G8/G20 summit to further
>organize Toronto’s community struggles against the impact of colonial,
>capitalist policies that seek to weaken us everyday.
>And we succeeded.
>From June 21 to 27, 2010, nearly 40,000 people took to the streets,
>gathered in discussion, watched movies, set up a tent city, danced and
>fought. This in itself is a victory.
>For the first time, an economic summit saw a march of thousands against
>colonization and for Indigenous sovereignty (on June 24). This in itself
>is a victory.
>Instead of simplifying our diverse struggles in to one issue, we supported
>actions for Queer and Trans Rights, for Environmental Justice, for Income
>Equity and Community Control Over Resources, for Gender Justice and
>Disability Rights, for Migrant Justice and an End to War and Occupation.
>We created the conditions for over 100 grassroots organizations to come
>together, to build relations, to grow stronger together. This in itself is
>a victory.
>For the first time at a G8/G20 Summit (on June 25), we saw communities in
>ongoing resistance, people of color, poor people, Indigenous people,
>women, disabled folk, queer folk and others leading the Days of Action.
>This in itself is a victory.
>Knowing that our freedom will rise from an attack at all fronts,
>respectful of the traditions and needs of safety and efficacy of all our
>friends; we ensured that actions with conflicting tactics took place
>separately. There is not a single instance of people caught up in actions
>not of their making. This in itself is a victory.
>For months, we were followed, intimidated, arrested, our meetings
>infiltrated by state thugs. Many of us were snatched in pre-dawn and early
>morning raids on the day of the G20 meeting, yet we were not swayed. We
>came together, gathered strength and continued to support the
>demonstrations. This in itself is a victory.
>So while 1,090 people have been arrested, thousands beaten, illegally
>detained, searched, harassed and abused. While over 300 people face
>criminal prosecutions for their ideological and political actions, and
>while multiple instances of so-called conspiracy trials and politically
>motivated targeting continues, we insist, this June 2010, on the streets
>of Toronto, the people won.
>One phase of our work is complete. A new one must begin. Many of us are
>organizers in community groups and will be returning to them, we urge you
>to join us.
>Many of us are activists inspired by our collective power these last few
>months, we intend to form new spaces and organizations for justice, we
>urge you to do the same.
>Many of us will continue to fight for freedom for our friends facing
>repression, we urge you to support us.
>The organized resistance in Toronto has emerged stronger, unified,
>connected. We take this moment to send our solidarity to the organizations
>and groups across the world to continue their struggles. Take action in
>your communities. Build lasting movements for justice free of state
>Have an inspiring story, picture or video, email them to
>community.mobilize at resist.ca. It is imperative that we remember the joys
>with the pain.
>Some reports on Abolish the G8/G20 Convergence 2010
>http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/3705 +
>http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/spoke-5/3728 +
>http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/spoke-7/3755 +
>http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/spoke-8/3781 +
>http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/spoke-9/3822 +
>http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/spoke-10/3864 +
>To continue to support the defence fund, visit
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>help at: http://help.riseup.net/lists/subscribers.
>To defintely unsubscribe write an email to
>g8-int-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net from the subscribed adress.
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