[dissent-tech] Urgent: Info about international meeting for website

revolting revolting2005 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 19 17:31:18 GMT 2005

Hi, The hosts of the international meeting have sent an email to those who have registered explaining directions to the venue etc... They have requested that the mail isn't forwarded onto people who haven't registered (partly so they can keep track of whose coming so they can sort out enough food and accommodation, and partly because it has personal phone numbers of people in it which they don't want put on websites and e-lists). So would it be possible for the following sentence to be put on the Dissent! website in the bit about the international meeting. If it could be bold and in a different colour that'd be great.
Thanks. Here's the sentence:
"If you are planning on attending the international meeting and have not registered, please do so as soon as possible by emailing: infoladen-tuebingen at web.de Directions to the venue and other important information will be mailed to those who have registered shortly."

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