[dissent-tech] Communication Working Group

Lucy Communicate communicatedissent at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 25 20:55:09 BST 2005


We are trying to collate a 'friends and family' list
of telephone numbers which the communications teams
can use as trusted conntact pionts. 

If your group wants to be able to 

a) feed infomation into the communications process
or b) recieve infomation distributed through the
communications system 

then we need a conntact number for your group.

Please reply to this email with the telephone number
that you want to use. I dont think any one can
gaurentee that this number will be totally secure...so
dont give us your action phones or anything. Maybe you
 can give us that info face to face if you think we
need it.

But remember the communications group facilitates the
distribution of news and nothing more.

For your selves please remember that it might be
useful to have different phones on different networks
in case one gets shut down/too busy/you go out of
reception. Phones that can go on the internet would be

In your reply please tell us if it is OK to give all
the other working groups your number...The
communications teams are not for redirecting specific
info between one or two working groups....they should
be able to conntact each other dirrectly. 

We will collate a list and send it out to these
addresses unless told to do otherwize.

I realise that this is a new address. If you feel more
comfortable/secure you can phone the Edinburgh Info
Point between 8 and 9 pm on Monday where the
communications group will be having a meeting, and
speak to some one dirrectly. 01315611356

The communications teams will be at communications
pionts, one in each of the three main cities. 

We also want to make conntact with people preparing
neighborhoods...if any one has any idea how we can do
that please let us know! maybe there is already a list
of neighborhood conntacts knocking arround.


Lucy Communicate

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

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