[dissent-tech] convergence info on website

Anarchist Teapot anarchisttpot at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 9 17:57:58 BST 2005

Hi - Anarchist Teapot people here, hadnt looked at the
website for a while but noticed that there's not much
info on food. We're writing up a thing for it - which
still needs to be commented on by some of the other
kitchens, hopefully we'll have it done in a week or
so, but for now, reckon it's worth at least adding in
there (cos at the moment it sounds like no one is
cooking for anyone there at all and people need to be
entirely self sufficient):
There is a catering group that is co-ordinating
kitchens from within the movement to come and cook at
the convergence space. You can help by bringing your
own cutlery, plate, bowl and mug, helping in the
kitchens, as well as bringing any (preferably vegan)
food donations along! More info to follow.

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