[ENS] Conferences, gatherings, Coke and more...

Tom Dale tom.e.dale at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 09:07:06 BST 2005

Hi everyone,

A few *very* quick updates:

- There is a proposal that the next gathering be held on the either
the 10th or 11th (the Saturday or Sunday) of December.  Please let us
know if you have any preference.  We hope that the gathering will move
up North this time,

- Trade unionists in Colombia are being murdered, and Coca-Cola is
involved.  The SINALTRAINAL union has asked for global solidarity -
and a boycott of Coke.  Can you join the UK Students Against Coke
network to stand up for workers' rights by organising a multi-million
pound boycott of coke by NUSSL - the NUS's services company?  If so,
please e-mail Bert Russell (sparta at riseup.net) or me, stating your

- Anyone can come along to meetings of the working group and join the
discussion list; just reply to this e-mail and let me know if you'd
like to.

- Check out this summary report of the most recent NEC meeting from
ENS activist Joe Rooney:

- Full minutes of the working group's meeting on Monday will be
available shortly.  But some principle decisions: we agreed to produce
two publications (an intro to ENS and a pamphlet on the manifold
attacks on the public funding of education) and issue a call for other
left activists (including those involved in pre-existing factions) to
join ENS.  We discussed the NEC meeting that day, and agreed to revise
our website and our model affiliation motion.

- The deadline for motions to NUS conference is in December.  Do you
have an issue you'd like to take to the next Conference?  If you do,
and you'd like support from the ENS network, get in touch!



p.s. As ever, Dan Randall's blog is here:

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