[ENS] Help needed!!!

Laura Schwartz laura_schwartz2003 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jul 24 22:30:04 BST 2006

  At the last ENS event the women's caucus decided to have an activist day of training and discussion on womrne's rights worldwide. The provisional date is the 21st October.
  People I've spoken to so far have had some really good ideas and I think it could be an exciting event. However- I can;t organise it by myself so if its going to happen I need people to email me and let me know that they can help. Any level of contribution is welcome and no activist experience required. Its is crucial though that at least five people can commit themselves to being part of the working group. This means
  - Taking responsibility for organising and charing a particular session for the conference.
  - Doing a ring round of student unions and women's groups in your area
  - Coming to a couple of planning meetings in London (exceptions for people far away!)
  - Bringing a delegation for your uni and putting a motion to your student union and women's group to support the event.
  If we can't get a group of us together to do this, then it might not be possible to organise it for October- so please please come and help. It will be fun- I promise!

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