[ENS] ENS Steering Committee and Women's Planning Meeting

Laura Schwartz laura_schwartz2003 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jul 30 12:09:06 BST 2006

There will be a general ENS steering committee (open to all), followed by the first planning meeting for the women's event on 21st Oct (open to all women) on Sunday 13th August, venue tbc.
  The more people who can make it to both, the better.
  At the women's meeting we will be discussing 'from scratch' what we want this event to be, so although its a good idea to have a think about what you might to contribute beforehand, the event will be whatever this and subsequent planning meetings want to make of it.
  Some things that I think would be useful to discuss are:
  - How we want the event structured- speaker panels/ more informal sessions/ training sessions or a mixture?
  - What themes/ political issues we would like discussed and debated
  - What plans for future campaigns we want to put in place
  - Who we would like to invite to speak/ run workshops.
  - Publicity
  If you have anything to add email me and I will try to work out a rough agenda.
  In Solidarity,

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