worldwarfree at riseup.net worldwarfree at riseup.net
Fri Apr 22 12:35:31 BST 2005

hello people.. just been talking to a nuj person.. yes there having much of
there g8 events round tuder sq... there is a press conferance for those in the
media only sometime next week.. there that is the police city council are
playing this very tight.. there only going to tell those invited to this
conferance 24 hours befor.. so it seems we have to be up on our e mails.. this
will prove a little hard for me as i have no real direct access sunday monday..
so a phone tree might also be a good idea..

yes one is happy that the demo is going to march up to peace in the park.. in
fact well happy as it will have to go up possibly london road and then up to
where peace in the park is happening.. oh think about that one people.. there
are lots of roundabouts and roads.. walkers and people on bikes.. a sound
system on a truck.. the possiblity are endless if we get organised.. any one
for a critcall mass early morning on the 11th to end at the start of the demo?

dan wrote..
I'm rather confused as to the purpose of the demo.  There aren't going
to be any ministers in Sheffield on that day.  Er...?

yes i was but then it is cool if thought about longer as it gives us an
oppertunity to network and get more ideas on the flow.. there is as you know
space for people to self organise their own events.. we are now talking about
opening this on the 12th.. but that needs to goto a wider meeting..

back to the prees conferance going to make every effort to get myself into this
if at all possible is there any one else who like to come and here what the
police and sheffield city councill have to say?

well for now

ps jase e mail me off list with a free time we can meet?

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