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<div>I organise and host Verberate, a monthly spoken word night in Manchester for poetry, storytelling and performance poetry. Do you know any refugees or asylum seekers who are poets or singer songwriters and have work they would like to perform? I usually have a couple of special guests, well known performers and poets as well as newer poets. If there is enough interest I might dedicate the night in november to refugees (date not certain yet).
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<div>Verberate is held at Trof cafe, Fallowfield from 8-11pm. It's free.</div>
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<div>The next two events are </div>
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<div>Monday 12th September. </div>
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<div>Monday 10th October (Part of the Manchester Poetry Festival)</div>
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<div>Zoe Lambert</div>
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<div><a href="mailto:zoelambert@gmail.com">zoelambert@gmail.com</a>, 07986839651</div>