[HacktionLab] Leeds meeting sign-up form.

Mike Harris mike at slackmail.co.uk
Mon Oct 13 12:09:08 BST 2008

Hi All,

There's a page up at 
http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/UkNetworkMeetingOctober2008Who that 
list who's coming to the Leeds weekend.  Although it's primarily aimed 
at Indymedia, I suggest that we use it as well, as it'll help those 
providing crash spaces to know how many and organise food.

So can you get adding yourselves.  If you don't have an account on 
docs.indymedia.org and don't want one, then feel free to email me and 
I'll stick you on the list for you, no worries :)

Thanks and now getting excited about it :)




Mike Harris
Mobile UK: +44 (0) 7811 671 893
PGP: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.gpg.pub

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