[HacktionLab] Feedback form for HacktionLab 2009

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Fri Jul 10 09:59:27 BST 2009

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Hi All,

Hamish suggested to me that there should be a prize for filling it out,
well if you do then the HacktionLab pot would be able to afford you a
pint of the finest organic cyder the next time you're both in the same

So far 7 of us have responded (thank you), so we've got a way to go
before we get to the 35 of us that were there.

So when you get a chance, please fill it in:


Today's the 10th July, so I reckon another week would be sufficient and
so propose to close it off and extract the results into a spreadsheet by
a week today.

Looking for a volunteer to analyse the results and produce a summary
email about them for us all.  Anyone able to do this?



- --
Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
t: +44 7811 671 893
p: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.gpg.pub
s: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.ssh.pub
0: http://www.radiovague.com/fadaiat/101.php

Mike Harris wrote:
> Hi All,
> It's been a couple of weeks since the last HacktionLab already.  How
> time flies.
> For all of you that came and made HL bigger and better than last year, a
> big thank you for coming, hope you had a great time.  I certainly did.
> I thought it would be a good idea to get everyone's feedback on it so
> that we can then look at how to make the next one even better again and
> also so that it is exactly how we want it to be.  I've therefore put
> together an on-line feedback form.
> Whilst having a 'feedback' form may seem a bit formal, it's probably a
> good idea since we didn't have a plenary. It would be really good if you
> could take the time to fill it in so that we can make next one even
> better! It's completely anonymous, although you may of course put in
> your nick if you wish.
> So, if you were at HacktionLab 2009, please take the trouble to fill
> this in:
> http://hacktivista.net/hl09feedback.html
> Thanks very much to Hamish for his excellent help and advice in putting
> the form together, and thanks to all those of you I spoke to that
> thought it was a good idea.
> Cheers,
> Mike.

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