[HacktionLab] [Fwd: [climatecamp] Workshops wanted - Camp for Climate Action 2009]

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Thu Jun 4 08:55:05 BST 2009

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Hi there,

The Climate Camp are asking about workshops for this year.  Although I'm
not going to be there, some of you will I think and might be up for
doing this, so perhaps it'd be a topic for discussion on the Sunday morning?



- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [climatecamp] Workshops wanted - Camp for Climate Action 2009
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 07:55:27 +0100 (IST)
From: workshops at climatecamp.org.uk
To: climatecamp at lists.riseup.net


The Camp for Climate Action Workshops team would like to invite you to
offer or suggest a workshop for the 2009 Camp, which takes place from the
27th of August to the 2nd of September.

In previous years we have camped next to single high-emitters including
Drax and Kingsnorth power stations and Heathrow airport. This year the
camp will take place in or around London to highlight the links between
the economy, economic crisis and the climate crisis.

We are looking for workshops connected with this theme, but we also
welcome workshops on a wide range of themes and issues. In previous years
workshops have varied from climate science, to ‘how to build a wind
turbine’ to radical poetry – anything is possible!

Climate Camp is a grassroots, non-hierarchical, organisation, and this
year we really want to emphasise the importance of participatory workshops
and skill–sharing. You don’t have to be an expert to give a workshop,
anyone can apply, and workshops can be delivered by individuals or groups.

If you are interested in offering a workshop, please fill in the workshops
offer form (attached) and get it back to us by the 12th of June.
Alternatively (and preferably) you can submit your offer online at
http://www.climatecamp.org.uk/workshops-offer. You will receive an email
confirmation of your offer, and we hope to let you know whether your
workshop is in the programme by the end of June.

Alternatively, if there is a workshop you would really like to see take
place at this year’s Camp, then please email us via
workshops at climatecamp.org.uk with ‘workshop suggestion’ in the subject
line. It could be a skill you want to learn, an issue you’d like to know
more about, or a part of the movement you think we could discuss working
together better with. If you can suggest who might be the person or group
to do the workshop, then even better. Again, please email us by 12 June.

If you are not available from the 27th Aug to 2nd of Sept, remember there
are climate camps in Scotland (3rd - 10th August) and Wales (13th - 16th
August). For more info and how to get involved, go to:
http://climatecampscotland.org.uk/ and http://climatecampcymru.org/ or
email: workshops at climatecampcymru.org

Apologies for cross posting. Please forward this call-out far and wide.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Workshops team
workshops at climatecamp.org.uk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

General questions / comments / suggestions can be sent to
info at climatecamp.org.uk, or for more info check out www.climatecamp.org.uk.

Please don't try to send an email to climatecamp at lists.riseup.net as
only Camp for Climate Action groups can post to this list.

to unsubscribe from this list send an email to:
climatecamp-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net

- --
Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
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