[HacktionLab] HacktionLab: the latest

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Tue Jun 9 18:36:30 BST 2009

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Hi All,

Only a couple of days to go now.

Here's and update on where we are we most things and especially a few
things we need to get sorted.  I'm resending some of this for the
benefit of those who have recently joined the list:

1. Workshops + resources
2. Runner/contact
3. Getting there/lifts
4. Signage
5. Food


Richard Roaf is going to be co-ordinating the workshops, checking on the
times, lengths, contents and resources.  If you're already down for one
I'll have passed him your contact details and he'll be in touch with you
about this soon.  Please let Richard know via the list what kit you will
need if any to do it - such as flip-chart, pens, projector, laptop,
Internet, etc.

If you've got something to share or if there's something you'd really
like to cover then use the list to suggest it and consider adding it to
the working page at

It's still quite a fluid schedule at the moment and some of what
we actually do at HacktionLab we'll work out as we go, but in the
meantime, please add your ideas to the wiki page below and/or send your
ideas to this list.


A couple of you who have access to vehicles have come forward and
offered your availability to run people from Chepstow should anyone need
it.  If you'd like to offer to help with this then please let us know
via the list.  Also if you know you'll be arriving late on Thursday or
Friday and will need help getting to HL, please also let us know.

There'll be a number from tomorrow dedicated to this and this will be
published on the list and the web site.


All the info about how to get to HL is here on the web:


For lift shares, if you're travelling up in a vehicle and you have some
spare spaces then please let us know via the list, when you'll be
travelling, where from, where via and how many spaces you have.

Conversely if you need a lift, then do let us know.

If you spot a lift on offer or a person after a lift that you can help,
do email or phone them directly and sort it out between you.

Finally, do remember that both the Severn Bridge (the old one) and the
Second Severn Crossing (the new one) cost about 5.60 for a car and more
for larger vehicles.  Even if you are coming from the South do use the
old bridge and not the new one (follow signs to Chepstow).


We'll still need signage for HacktionLab to direct people up from
Redbrook village to the farm.

Noone's yet put their hand up for this, so if you fancy doing this
crucial job, please get in touch or put your hand up as soon as you
arrive.  Having some paint with you might help or even make the signs
first and bring them with you!

Signs we need are at least 4 directing people up the hill to HacktionLab
and also one that indicates where the barn and camping fields are.


If you've not done so already, let us know which meals you'll be at HL
for by completing the (very sorry it's corporate) doodle at
http://doodle.com/tq2zgqt7h887n2qm - or otherwise if you don't want to
fill in the doodle for whatever reason, email either the list or me
personally and let me/us know.  Thanks.

And just a reminder, to save lugging a load of crockery up to the Farm,
please bring your own plate, cup, bowl, knife, fork and spoon with you
if you can.  Thanks.

That's all for now folks.




Anyone got a mobile phone sim card going spare and will be there

- --
Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
t: +44 7811 671 893
p: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.gpg.pub
s: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.ssh.pub
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