[HacktionLab] Thank you all

Steve Woods woodsy at bristolwireless.net
Sat Jun 20 08:37:30 BST 2009

Quoting "Mike Harris" <mike at mbharris.co.uk>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Everyone,
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I've taken a few days to recover
> from HacktionLab, was completely shattered on Monday night, but elated
> that it all went so well.
> Thank you all for coming and making it really good, better than last
> year I reckon.  I think we got some very positive actions out of it, got
> some great people together to get to know each other better,
> strengthened the UK network for techs and activists, and erm, drank
> rather a lot of cyder in a lovely rural setting.
> I know we didn't do a plenary at the end, so I propose that we make any
> feedback and reflexions about it to this list.
> So once again, nice one to everyone who came and took part and
> especially to John, Amias, Becky and Jane for keeping us fed and to
> Woodsy for keeping us warm, and also to Andy for helping with the set-up
> and all those of you who were able to stay around at the end to help
> with the tatting down process, and all of you that pitched in during the
> event with helping to organise the workshops and debates, who ran
> workshops and who helped with the food preparation.  Oh and finally,
> Llanos who made sure that we had beer, cider and drinks for the whole thing.
> Looking forward to the next one.  We have the proposal on the table to
> do an urban one in October/November, probably in Newcastle and then
> there'll be a repeat rural one I hope sometime around the same time next
> year.
> Cheers,
> Mike.

As a slightly tardy post-script to Mike's thank-you, list subscribers  
might like to read my write-up on BW news -  


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