[HacktionLab] HacktionLab status update.

Garcon du Monde gdm at fifthhorseman.net
Wed May 27 00:42:46 BST 2009

hi mike, 

looks like you're doing a fantastic job at arranging all this, thanks!

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 04:46:32PM +0100, Mike Harris wrote:
> Two and half weeks to go, and it's looking like it's going to be a good
> one, whether the weather be hot or not.
> Here's and update on where we are we most things and especially a few
> things we need to get sorted:
> 1. Workshops + resources
> 2. Runner/contact
> 3. Signage
> 4. Food
> 5. Things that are sorted :)
> I know that there are some of you out there with workshop proposals,
> that you'd like to run, that you'd like to do who haven't already come
> forward with them.  It's a fluid schedule at the moment and some of what
> we actually do at HacktionLab we'll work out as we go, but in the
> meantime, please add your ideas to the wiki page below and/or send your
> ideas to this list:
> http://hacktivista.net/hacktionlab/index.php/HacktionLab_2009/01_workshop_details
> Also, if you're running a workshop, please let me know via the list what
> kit you will need if any to do it - such as flip-chart, pens, projector,
> laptop, Internet, etc.

i'd be very happy to run a talk, workshop and discussion on online
security issues for activists... i'll try to put together a bit more
of a blurb about this, but i've got a 15-30 minute (flexible!) talk
and a 75-90 minute workshop already prepared. i don't think that i
really need anything extra although if i'm doing a talk a projector
and screen would be good. and, seeing that there are already similar
things down, i'm happy to collaborate in running them :) i'm also very
happy to help facilitate meetings if they are required/occur.


> I propose we have a mobile number dedicated for people to call if they
> have difficulties arriving or questions.  We ought to get a new mobile
> phone sim card for this and then publish the number to the web site.
> I've a spare unlocked mobile for this purpose.  Anyone have a spare
> unused sim?

any spare lifts going from london, anyone? otherwise, i suspect i'll
be training it in which case having a mobile to phone would be superb
> 4. FOOD
> Do really need to know numbers for food, so please, please either
> complete the Doodle at  http://doodle.com/tq2zgqt7h887n2qm - or
> otherwise if you don't want to fill in the Doodle for whatever reason,
> email either the list or me personally and let me/us know.  Thanks.

thanks, i'll send you a separate email :)

> And just a reminder, to save lugging a load of crockery up to the Farm,
> please bring your own plate, cup, bowl, knife, fork and spoon with you
> if you can.  Thanks.
> For the record, the other things that are already under control are the
> fire provision, food purchase and delivery, the cider, toilet facilities
> and low-voltage lighting thanks to Woodsy, John, Amias, Jane, Rich,
> Llanos and Sam respectively.

nice one :)

btw, i don't suppose there's anywhere to sleep if you don't have a
tent, is there?


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