[HacktionLab] HacktionLab status update.

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Wed May 27 17:39:02 BST 2009

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Hi John,

Absolutely, the wider appeal is what's intended, but it's the content
that makes it so, so yes please if you want to do that workshop, why not
add it to the Wiki page at:


It's simple to create yourself an account if you haven't already.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you there.


p.s. I've been on the allotment too and they do indeed require a lot of
time, luckily I'm sharing responsabilities :)

kriptick wrote:
> Hey Mike
> I've been too busy to follow emails in detail for months now but really
> enjoyed prev hack thing in Wye valley so if this is anything like before
> then I'm tempted to come... & with transport from London. Do I take it
> that this hacktion will have a broader appeal as I think I've seen it
> announced on climate camp media list? If I pull my finger out, I could
> offer my digital photography for direct action wrkshp that I did at two
> climate camps as it's still mostly in my head & I have all the sample
> good & bad pics from when I did it before. Is this any use this late?
> Sorry to only show interest at this stage but my allotment has demanded
> my full time attention these last few months.
> John
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Harris" <mike at mbharris.co.uk>
> To: "An occasional convergence to discuss technical topics"
> <hacktionlab at lists.psand.net>
> Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 4:46 PM
> Subject: [HacktionLab] HacktionLab status update.
> Hi All,
> Two and half weeks to go, and it's looking like it's going to be a good
> one, whether the weather be hot or not.
> Here's and update on where we are we most things and especially a few
> things we need to get sorted:
> 1. Workshops + resources
> 2. Runner/contact
> 3. Signage
> 4. Food
> 5. Things that are sorted :)
> I know that there are some of you out there with workshop proposals,
> that you'd like to run, that you'd like to do who haven't already come
> forward with them.  It's a fluid schedule at the moment and some of what
> we actually do at HacktionLab we'll work out as we go, but in the
> meantime, please add your ideas to the wiki page below and/or send your
> ideas to this list:
> http://hacktivista.net/hacktionlab/index.php/HacktionLab_2009/01_workshop_details
> Also, if you're running a workshop, please let me know via the list what
> kit you will need if any to do it - such as flip-chart, pens, projector,
> laptop, Internet, etc.
> We need a couple of people preferably who are willing to collect anyone
> that is arriving late from Chepstow and needs a lift to Redbrook
> village.  You need to be up for driving to get them and have a vehicle
> to do it in.  This is likely to be on the Thursday night and during
> Friday.  Anyone up for this?
> I propose we have a mobile number dedicated for people to call if they
> have difficulties arriving or questions.  We ought to get a new mobile
> phone sim card for this and then publish the number to the web site.
> I've a spare unlocked mobile for this purpose.  Anyone have a spare
> unused sim?
> We need signage for HacktionLab to direct people up from Redbrook
> village to the farm.
> Would someone who is either coming with the forward crew on Wednesday or
> arriving early on Thursday be up for making some signs to bring with
> them (or bringing the materials to make them with them).  Signs we need
> are at least 4 directing people up the hill to HacktionLab and also one
> that indicates where the barn and camping fields are.
> 4. FOOD
> Do really need to know numbers for food, so please, please either
> complete the Doodle at  http://doodle.com/tq2zgqt7h887n2qm - or
> otherwise if you don't want to fill in the Doodle for whatever reason,
> email either the list or me personally and let me/us know.  Thanks.
> And just a reminder, to save lugging a load of crockery up to the Farm,
> please bring your own plate, cup, bowl, knife, fork and spoon with you
> if you can.  Thanks.
> For the record, the other things that are already under control are the
> fire provision, food purchase and delivery, the cider, toilet facilities
> and low-voltage lighting thanks to Woodsy, John, Amias, Jane, Rich,
> Llanos and Sam respectively.
> That's all for now folks.
> Cheers,
> Mike.
Hacktionlab mailing list
Hacktionlab at lists.psand.net

- --
Mike Harris
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