[HacktionLab] apologies

Michael Reinsborough m.reinsborough at qub.ac.uk
Fri Apr 9 19:52:22 BST 2010

Hi all, apologies, I also can't be in Oxford this weekend.  

I wanted to mention the possibility of doing a talk/workshop on technology politics more generally as a part of the summer gathering.  There is a campaign on nanotechnology started up from the EF wintermoot -at which I met some of you.  (mostly the campaign is focusing on toxicity problems and lack of regulations when nano-silver is now being used as a pesticide in human hygiene consumer products but  also more generally concerns about the political and economic control of the new molecular technologies, ie who gets the money and who makes the decisions about what type of technological future we have- surprise surprise it is the fortune 500 corporations who get the money and the control over our future - most people who understand why a linux & opensource software movement were started in relationship to proprietal control of the various early UNIX operating systems used to telecomunicate in the 19670s will quite easily understand why these new molecular technologies which are able to influence and change the basic structure of matter as well as the patenting regime surrounding them are a danger to our future!  Sorry I think grammar nerds would call that last sentence a run-on sentence but you get the point.  more info at http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/171 and http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/602 ) 

Anyone who wants to help organize a workshop in their city on this topic let me know (So far we only have workshops in Brixton and Bradfordgetting planned for early May).  Anyone interested in being part of the campaign planning in London around April 28th let me know.  If you can help out with putting up a campaign website then let me know.
  cheers, mic  
ps if u take the London to Oxford stagecoach bus a nanotechnology fuel additive is being used in the petrol to get you there: http://www.stagecoachplc.com/scg/media/press/prarchive/2004-12-06a/ .  Oxford University research labs are one of the primary UK locations for molecular technology research to patent and control our future.
From: hacktionlab-bounces at lists.psand.net [hacktionlab-bounces at lists.psand.net] On Behalf Of Alan Dawson [aland at burngreave.net]
Sent: 09 April 2010 09:28
To: hacktionlab at lists.psand.net
Subject: [HacktionLab] apologies


Please accept my apologies.  I'm unable to attend the hackmeet this weekend.

Though if there is an IRC channel I could be in that on Saturday afternoon.

Have fun!

Alan Dawson

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