[HacktionLab] FYI: Minutes about booklet and what next for it.

JimDog theinnercityhippy at riseup.net
Wed Apr 14 12:53:15 BST 2010


That sounds amazing! Thanks for volunteering.

I've been thinking about artwork this week. I had an idea that we could ask people we know who produce radical zines to maybe illustrate the user stories so it breaks up the text a bit and opens the whole thing up to a wider audience who may not be directly into geek activism per se but would read it for the illustrations and hopefully pick up on the advice whilst they do.

The downside is that time is as ever short. The london zine symposium is coming up at the end of next month for which i'm trying to get some time off work. Was thinking i could maybe talk to people there, show them the draft and try and get some of them to do some illustrations?

Does anyone know anyone personally that they could maybe ask about this before we go to print? Also, in terms of printing, we could ask footprint workers coop in leeds to do a run for distributing in the north perhaps?



-original message-
Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] FYI: Minutes about booklet and what next for it.
From: John Hodge <jhodge_98 at yahoo.com>
Date: 14/04/2010 12:01 pm

Hi there
I am on this email list, but never contribute to it - maybe I can help now.

If you are looking for help designing the book - I laid-out and did most production and editing on 5 SchNEWS books, as well as 2 other books and numerous booklets, pamphlets, DVD and album covers.

Also - I have recently done a long email interview with Richard Stallman on a range of topics from P2P to copyleft and gnu and other topics he talks about. If you wanted to use any excerpts from this text then you can. 

Also - in the 'Free As In Freedom' bit, neither weblink works. And
after all the emails with RMS lately, I know the one or two places that
he'd start splitting hairs if he saw that text. I could let you know
what they were.

Glad to hear about this book, sorry to hear about it so late - I realise it can be hard to incorporate new people in a project the later it gets into the process.

John H

From: Mike Harris <mike at mbharris.co.uk>
To: An occasional convergence to discuss technical topics <hacktionlab at lists.psand.net>
Sent: Wed, 14 April, 2010 9:34:13
Subject: [HacktionLab] FYI: Minutes about booklet and what next for it.

Hi All,

I've written up the minutes of the salient points from Saturday's book
sprint session on the booklet.  Please have a look at

If you were there, please read and check them for accuracy.  Thanks.

A few points on next steps then:

*  We decided to give it a break for a couple of weeks to get distance
from the content.
*  Then MF, BG and MR said they would be happy to continue to final edit
it into a version ready to be packaged up.
*  MF will contact Trapese to ask if they want to help design the
booklet and if they can offer advice.
*  It will then go to print: we all agreed to contribute a small amount
each to doing an initial run of 500.
*  It will be ready for the gathering in June.

The current working draft of the book is located at:


You can create an account, login and get editing, but please bear in mind:

* the style guide at
* not to make major changes, unless you have good reason or really feel
inspired to rewrite a whole chapter
* please don't add loads of technical detail or try to cover too much
ground in the article: if there's something useful to read on-line, then
provide a link to it.
* try to be as simple in your use of language and jargon free as
possible, this is aimed at n00bs

Finally, we agreed that we would use this very list to discuss major
edits.  Hopefully this will work to have a dialogue, involve more of you
in this process, open it up, etc; and hopefully it won't annoy everyone
with the increase in spam.

Looking, well, better than it was before! ;)



Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
t: +44 7811 671 893

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