[HacktionLab] what to bring to barncamp

mark mark at aktivix.org
Wed Jun 9 20:50:00 BST 2010

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As I'm packing my kit for BarnCamp, I thought I should share some
information for anyone who hasn't been before.

1. Footwear

Although the workshop spaces should have dry floors, there's a meadow
with long grass between the camping field and there. If it's been
raining, this might get you wet up to your knees. So, you might want to
bring some wellies, or walking boots with gaiters, or sandals & shorts
with something warmer to change into when you get into the dry.

2. Warm clothes

Wet or dry, it'll probably be quite mild and you'll feel warm while
you're moving about but if you're sat still for a couple of hours,
you'll start to feel a chill. Last year I ended up wearing gloves
although the weather was great. But I am a total wuss.

3. Hygiene

If we have enough equipment, we might try to set up a washing area with
basins & warm water - however last year there was nothing like that. You
might want some alcoholic hand-rub if you're bothered about things like
washing your hands before eating.

4. Bits & pieces

Insect repellent and a torch would probably be handy. We have cups, but
they're the kind without handles so you might want to bring your own mug
for tea and/or tankard for ale.

That's all,
Kryten 2X4B-523P
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