[HacktionLab] Deadline!!! was: Re: ACT: decider for spring hacktion lab small gathering in oxford end of March

mark mark at aktivix.org
Tue Mar 2 20:50:24 GMT 2010

Hi everyone,

First of all, sorry for losing my rag and calling someone a plonker.

I really want to come to this, and if the best time for everyone else is
one of the times that I've put down as 'bad' then I'll change my other
plans so I can come to Oxford. But if I'm going to do that, I really
need to know ASAP what dates we're going for.

So, can I ask, pretty please, can everyone fill in the decider before
this weekend, i.e. before midnight on Friday 5th March?

If you think you've already voted, please check back because some of the
votes already cast got deleted.

Cheers, and look forward to seeing all you cats again soon,

On 24/02/10 10:42, Mike Harris wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I propose we have a spring get together in Oxford as previously
> discussed with the agenda of:
> * book sprint to finish the book
> * planning for summer hacktionlab
> At this end we ought to be able to use OARC to host it if we're 8 to 10
> people, that sort of number, Charlie's kindly said he'll help by
> enquiring about kitchenistas that will help with some food.  For that
> number we ought to be able to easily come up with crash space.
> For me two dates would be ideal, and I've put a decider up to get a
> feeling for who's going to be able to come, hence numbers, and what the
> best date for it would be.
> Any of you that are interested in coming, but especially those of you
> working on the book and/or up for being involved in organising the
> summer hacklab, do please fill it in.
> https://labs.riseup.net/decider/issue/view/uquoongarimeiyeishoh
> Cheers,
> Mike.

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