[HacktionLab] ACT: decide the summer hacktionlab dates!

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 11:41:10 GMT 2010

yep, the 3rd and 4th

i sent two mails this morning, one confirming those dates, following  
up from Mark and the other referring to the summer decider.

so sorry for the confusion, but yes we are on for the 3rd and 4th

anyone fancy updating the wiki?


Quoting ben at bristolwireless.net:

> Quoting "Mike Harris" <mike at mbharris.co.uk>:
>> the decider seems to be a pile of shit to me, with it deleting the
>> votes of others in a mysterious way.
> Okay, but we are still going for the 3rd&4th April yes? Getting  
> close  and I need to arrange.
> Ta,
> ==
> From Ben Green

Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
t: +44 7811 671 893
p: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.gpg.pub
s: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.ssh.pub
1: http://www.radiovague.com/fadaiat/101.php

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