[HacktionLab] URGENT: Spring HacktionLab: Can we change the dates to 10th/11th??

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Wed Mar 17 09:23:45 GMT 2010

Hi Everybody, especially those coming to the Spring HacktionLab in Oxford.

I've discovered that it turns out that the 3rd/4th isn't as ideal a
weekend for me, nor Charlie, as the following one might be!

Any chance that we could move it to the following weekend, the
10th/11th??  I think this might be a better weekend, I certainly will
have 3 crash spaces available that weekend, whereas on the 3rd/4th, I
won't really have any!

So, pretty please, can we change it?

Obviously if any of you have already made travel bookings, time off
bookings, etc, that you can't change, then we'll have to go with the

Could you call me on my mobile if you want to discuss this please.



Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
t: +44 7811 671 893

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