[HacktionLab] Workshops

mark mark at aktivix.org
Mon May 3 09:51:07 BST 2010

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Hi Ana

On 01/05/10 20:59, ana wrote:
> if people explain to me/the list what they meant with this,
>>     * overview of communication techniques
> i can see if i can give a workshop that would live up to expectations :)

That was my suggestion from Oxford. What I had in mind was a session
about the breadth of political uses of communication, to put the
specialist workshops into perspective.

It could have 5 minutes each on things like:
- - Person to person, person to group, person to world, group to group,
group to world: Different needs for each
- - Propaganda & Subvertising, from poster modification and guerilla
projections to pwning websites
- - Broadcast: Channels available, message content & design
- - Publishing, Teaching & Performance: News, education & entertainment
- - Careful use of corporate services Vs. alternatives
- - Importance of communication to formation of group identity &
behavioural norms; how this is abused by corporations & governments, &
how we can take it back
- - Decentralisation & Peerage Vs. Centralisation & Hierarchy
- - Choosing a secure channel: Synchonicity, Authentication, Privacy,
Skill level, etc.

I'd be very happy for you to take on any or all of this, or to run a
session/s jointly with you & others. I was hoping it would be quick and
stimulating for the audience, and give people ideas about what to do in
the barcamp sessions if they want to get into things deeper.

What do you think?

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