[HacktionLab] missing workshop - publishing your news anonymously

Llanos llanosnunez at gmail.com
Mon May 3 12:30:57 BST 2010

Hi Mark

For what I remember I've had 3g  (well gprs, not sure if that's ok for you)
on my phone the last 2 years with vodafone. There were people though that
didn't have signal up there (orange doesn't get there for example). You
could borrow my sim card if you are planning that workshop if that helps,


On 3 May 2010 10:09, mark <mark at aktivix.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Morning JimDog.
> On 30/04/10 18:40, JimDog wrote:
> > Drat! Missed again :-)
> >
> > i'd really like to do some kind of workshop but not sure what would be
> appropriate or needed? Anyone suggest anything that's also missing i can get
> something prepared on?
> >
> > Jimdog
> I think it'd be great if you could demonstrate how to set up a mobile 3G
> wireless access point (but is there a 3G signal there? not sure...)
> and/or could you do a session on WEP like that time in the common place
> on 6.7.8 [1]? Or how about Wok-Fi? Or even modulating laser pointers?
> Mark
> [1] http://thecommonplace.org.uk/working-groups/89-it-collective.html
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
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> =iemS
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