[HacktionLab] Fwd: Barncamp 2010

JimDog theinnercityhippy at riseup.net
Thu May 6 23:01:21 BST 2010

Those workshops sound great! I like the idea of passing on skills to some older kids, i reckon the weekend would be suitable, what do others think?

-original message-
Subject: [HacktionLab] Fwd: Barncamp 2010
From: ben at bristolwireless.net
Date: 06/05/2010 10:50 pm

----- Forwarded message from juleyhoward at cooptel.net -----
     Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 22:06:08 +0100
     From: "Juley Howard" <juleyhoward at cooptel.net>
  Subject: Barncamp 2010
       To: hacktionlab-owner at lists.psand.net

Hello - please pass this on to the right person, if it isn't you,
I wanted to find out more about the suitability of the weekend for  
older children, and whether you have had any interest from other  
parents - I was thinking of coming with my partner and between us we  
have 3 kids (2x15years + 1x10years).  I suppose a small jack russel is  
out of the question?  I think that its the wrong kind of technology  
(just cos its very low tech) but I am very keen to teach people to use  
the sustainable environment to help themselves, so could bring stuff  
for a spinning / knitting workshop.  I see that you have food foraging  
so kind of fits with that.
Look forward to hearing from you - we will consult with the 15 year  
olds more before booking.

----- End forwarded message -----

 From Ben Green

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