[HacktionLab] Workshop League Table 3

ben at bristolwireless.net ben at bristolwireless.net
Mon May 24 09:47:54 BST 2010

Time is getting tight, but there's been a flurry of new registrations.  
12v still topping the charts with food foraging holding it's ground.  
Whatever we organise, we need to organise it around those two, as  
virtually everyone on site will be at them.

I've mailed out the registrant who expressed an interest in the DTP  
and Synfig workshops and have got some great feedback, thanks  
everyone, still looking for lots more feedback for those who haven't  

Renewable energy: 12 volt theory & practice			-30
Food Foraging is fun and legal (still)				-25
Citizen video journalist workshop				-17
Email security - strictly for non-techies			-15
Audio editing for podcasting and other applications with free tools	-15
Found Sounds & Live Coding Playshop				-14
Free software desktop publishing with Scribus and Inkscape	-12
2D animation with Synfig					-10
Get your Windows or Apple computer running Linux too!		-8

 From Ben Green
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