No subject
Wed Oct 13 11:04:56 BST 2010
images, reordered), which is not easily editable and needs putting
back in order.
There is also a version on booki that is editable, but the export to
open office does not work and just produces a PDF.
I've managed to copy & paste from booki into Open Office with
reasonable success, and have manually fixed most of the formatting
issues. I can grab the images from the PDF version (using pdftoppm)
and reinsert them. So really just a bit of formatting to sort out.
I'm crossing my fingers there are no text differences between the
booki version and the wiki version!
On 10 November 2010 01:58, ana <anap at> wrote:
> Hi,
> as Mara, I do not think I will be able to set aside the hours necessary
> for the work done before the hacktionlab weekend. However, all this
> mentioning of tools got me interested.
> Ben Green wrote:
>> is the original place,
>> you can use the auto publish feature to get some output, even in OOo
>> format (edit and they export). Here's one I made earlier:
> what auto publish feature? excuse my blindness, i =A0can't see a link wit=
> that text. Or maybe I shouldn't expect a link where you press and voila
> - the text is exported to OOs format?
> Anyway, I have now downloaded psutils and with it noticed the graphic
> interface, which seems to allow only to re-paginate pdfs, producing
> other pdfs in the process.
> Sadly when I was trying to produce pdfs using OOo this crashed. But I
> remain willing to learn
> ana
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