[HacktionLab] Printing booklet 1.1, Floss Manuals and broken links, etc. (was: Booklets, and more booklets)

beth at aktivix.org beth at aktivix.org
Sun Oct 16 14:30:47 UTC 2011


That all sounds fine, I hadn't realised that was the deal with the  
reprints. An errata bit on the website seems like a good idea. For the  
new version I've been replacing all the links with indymedia's own  
imc.li shortener. I don't know whether that would suffice rather than  
setting up a hacktionlab service - what do you all think?

By the way: Alan ran a great workshop at the Free School in Sheffield  
yesterday about alternative social networking sites, and John and I  
spent the afternoon doing a Free Software clinic. It was all a bit  
last-minutey so we only had the one copy of Tech Tools to give out but  
we got a lot of people interested in indy.im and things :)

- Beth

Quoting "Adelayde Skidmore" <adelayde at riseup.net>:

> Hi List,
> I had a telephone conversation with Ben today where we agreed that it
> would be okay for us to go ahead and do an extra run of the existing
> booklet, in lieu of the new one coming out in the new year.
> We did discuss the issue of the broken links, which not only would
> affect the new run of 200 booklets, but also affects the 1,000 or so
> that are already out there, and the copy downloadable from
> hacktivista.net/book
>> From this discussion, I propose that we have an errata section on the
> page at hacktivista.net/book that provides a list of broken links, page
> numbers and okay links.
> In addition to this, I think we should ask Floss Manuals if they can do
> something about the issue to help, as it is primarily their links that
> are broken due to content that's been moved, afaik.  M3shrom, can you be
> a liaison for this / help sort this out?
> And on from this even further, I propose we set up our own links
> forwarding for use in the next booklet.  I don't me provide a free links
> shortening service that we can offer to other people, but rather just
> one we use internally that we have control over: that we can ammend as
> and when we need to.
> This could be either simply using Apache redirects: clumsy, but
> effectively and we can do it right away - so that hacktivista.net/vpn
> can redirect to the appropriate FM page.  Or it could be using a
> dedicated URL (hack.ly would be nice) and either Apache conf/.htaccess
> style or a db backed little app....
> On the new booklet front, it'll go to print on Monday, and I'm happy to
> try to do the errata page in the next week or so: or has someone already
> compiled this and if so, do you fancy doing it?
> So to sum up:
> 1. Graham and I are going to do a run of 200 copies of version 1.1 of
> the booklet primarily for the Bookfair next weekend.
> 2. I propose we should put errata up on the wiki page to cover broken links.
> 3. I propose that m3shrom help to get Floss Manuals to fix their broken
> links, providing redirects, if he can..
> 4. I propose we use our own URL shorter/redirector in future.
> How does that sound?
> Mike.
>>> Cheers,
>>> ==
>>> From Ben Green
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