[HacktionLab] workshop request apr28 sat-can anyone do Huddersfield Luddite festival computers workshop?

mick fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Thu Apr 26 08:01:09 UTC 2012

On 16/04/2012 11:41, Michael Reinsborough wrote:
> Great! and obviously anyone and everyone is invited to the festiva weekend.  cheers, m

Mark - are you going to show the ONO videos you told me about?
I reckon they would go down really well there.


    Get to know your animated ally, ONO, and follow him as he begins to
    see the layers behind information and how they can be seen by
    others. In this episode, ONO introduces you to some of the things
    you need to consider when using technologies like the internet,
    mobile phones and digital cameras. You will also learn how just by
    making a few changes to your daily digital behaviour, you can start
    to feel more secure in the digital world.

nice one
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