[HacktionLab] Open Source Hardware Camp 2012, Hebden Bridge
Mick Fuzz
mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Tue Aug 21 07:20:02 UTC 2012
That looks good! I'll try to get there!
On 20/08/12 12:45, Gareth Babb wrote:
> Thought this might be of interest to some here.
> // Open Source Hardware Camp 2012
> On the 15th September 2012, 09:00 - 16th September 2012, 16:00 at The
> Birchcliffe Centre, Birchcliffe Road, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX7
> 8DG, UK
> Registration: http://oshug.org/event/oshcamp2012
> Open Source Hardware Camp 2012 will take place place in the north of England
> in the Pennine town of Hebden Bridge. Building on the success of last year's
> OSHCamp, it will be a weekend long event with nine talks on the Saturday and
> four parallel workshops on the Sunday.
> Hebden Bridge is approximately 1 hour by rail from Leeds and Manchester.
> Budget accommodation is available at the Hebden Bridge Hostel which adjoins
> the venue, with discounts available for group bookings.
> - Practical Experiences with the Google Android Accessory Development Kit (ADK)
> The ADK is an exciting development platform that makes it possible to easily
> combine Android applications with custom hardware built around Arduino. Such
> combinations have the best of both worlds by enabling the creation of a
> mobile phone application with access to peripheral devices that is only
> limited by your imagination.
> This talk will cover two projects that extend what the phone can do by
> integrating both input and output devices. And will cover some of the dos
> and don'ts of using the ADK and associated IDEs. If time permits there will
> also be a demonstration with a quick run through of the code.
> Paul Tanner is a consultant, developer and maker in wood, metal, plastic,
> electronics and software. His day job is IT-based business improvement for
> SMEs. By night he turns energy nut, creating tools to optimise energy use.
> Paul graduated in electronics and was responsible for hardware and software
> product development and customer services in several product and service
> start-ups, switching to consulting in 2000.
> If you can't wait to get your hands on the ADK software browse to
> http://developer.android.com/tools/adk.
> - The Internet of Things and Arduino
> As connecting hardware to the network becomes cheaper and cheaper we're
> seeing the rise of what is being called the Internet of Things, or IoT for
> short.
> This talk will give an introduction to the Internet of Things and explain
> how open hardware platforms such as Arduino are helping it grow. With plenty
> of examples of IoT projects, from using sensors to map global radiation
> levels to bakeries that tweet when the bread is fresh out of the oven.
> Adrian McEwen has been connecting odd things to the Internet since the
> mid-90s. Starting with cash registers, and then as part of the team who were
> first to put a web browser onto a mobile phone. As the mobile phone and
> set-top box work became more mainstream he dropped down a level to Arduino
> which led to Internet-enabled bubble machines and chicken-food silos...
> Adrian has been working with Arduino since 2008 which is when Bubblino, the
> aforementioned bubble machine which watches twitter, was created and is
> charge of the Arduino Ethernet library. He is based in Liverpool, where he
> runs MCQN Ltd, a company that builds IoT devices and products.
> - Developing Linux on Embedded Devices
> This talk will provide an introduction to developing Linux on embedded
> devices. Firstly we will look at the capabilities of popular boards such as
> the BeagleBone and the Raspberry Pi. Then using the example of a BeagleBone
> controller for a 3D printer the talk with explain how to develop for an
> embedded device. It will consider what comprises an embedded Linux software
> stack. The talk will discuss boot loaders, kernels and root filesystems. We
> will discuss what are the minimum software packages required in a root file
> system. The talk will then go on to consider the tools required to develop
> for an embedded target. It will look at what tools are available to help the
> embedded developer and speed up this development process. Once you have
> developed your software you need to debug it. The talk will look at what
> debugging tools are available for debugging embedded devices.
> Melanie Rhianna Lewis started a life long love of electronics as a child
> when her Dad helped her make a "crystal" radio with an ear piece, a coil of
> wire, a diode and a radiator! At the same time the home computer revolution
> started and she would lust after the "build your own computers" advertised
> in the electronics magazines of the time. She never got one but did end up
> the proud owner of a BBC Micro. Melanie learnt everything she could about
> the machine and including assembler, operating systems, drivers, interrupt,
> and, thanks to the circuit diagram in the Advanced User Guide, digital
> electronics. After the BBC Micro came the Acorn Archimedes and so started a
> long relationship with ARM processors. In the 90s Melanie became interested
> in Linux and then developed one of the first ARM Linux distributions running
> on an Acorn RISC PC. The hobby became a job and Melanie currently works for
> an embedded device consultancy near Bradford where a lot of her work is
> still with ARM processors.
> - Interfacing the Raspberry Pi to the World - Everything you need to know
> about P1
> You've received your Pi, set up a web server on it and maybe played a few
> rounds of Quake. You're looking for a new challenge and suddenly the header
> on the corner of the board catches your eye. A quick Google search for "P1
> Raspbery Pi" gets you to the eLinux wiki page on Low level peripherals, and
> you suddenly realise that you can do all sorts of fun stuff by adding extra
> bits to your Raspberry Pi using this magical expansion port. Where do you
> start? Is it safe to connect a motor directly to the pins? What sort of
> interesting components are out there?
> In this talk we will look at the ways we can communicate with the outside
> world using the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. We will explore the
> mechanical, electrical and software side of things and talk about a few
> example projects you can try at home, and the hardware limitations will be
> covered and workarounds provided.
> Omer Kilic is theoretically still a research student at the University of
> Kent, although he intends to submit his thesis (which is about a
> reconfigurable heterogeneous computing framework) pretty soon. He likes tiny
> computers, things that 'just work' and beer. He currently works for Erlang
> Solutions in London, exploring the use of Erlang programming language in the
> Embedded Systems domain and develops tools and support material to help the
> adoption of this technology.
> This talk will also serve as an introduction for the Raspberry Pi workshop
> on the Sunday, where we will explore the example projects covered in more
> detail.
> - Sensing Wearable Technology
> An introduction to wearable technology that will include examples which
> incorporate sensors, plus work which makes use of the LilyPad Arduino, an
> open source, sewable microcontroller.
> Rain Ashford creates wearable technology & electronic art, her most recent
> work involves investigating physiological sensing technologies and how they
> can be applied to wearable artworks to measure and interpret moods, health
> and lifestyle data. Rain also creates fun, interactive and aesthetically
> pleasing works that include gaming and musical elements. She is keen to
> demonstrate that electronics, components and circuitry doesn't have to be
> regarded as cold, boring, hard and boxy and instead can be fun, colourful
> and elegant, plus be integrated into an overall design of a work.
> Rain's background is in developing online activities for the BBC as a Senior
> Producer at BBC Learning and also as Technologist at BBC R&D, co-running BBC
> Backstage. She currently works as a freelance consultant for the Open
> University and for Technocamps designing and leading workshops in coding and
> electronics in the form of wearable technology for 11-19 year-olds, plus is
> a PhD researcher, peering into wearable electronics & art.
> - Running OpenBTS in the Real World
> This talk will explore the OpenBTS project and describe how it uses
> software-defined radio and open source Internet telephony to create a small
> but complete GSM mobile phone network.
> Experiences of operating OpenBTS installations on the Pacific island of Niue
> and at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert will be covered, along
> with how OpenBTS has been integrated with other systems for use in disaster
> relief. Licensing permitting there will also be a live demonstration.
> Tim Panton is a software engineer with a particular interest in projects
> that blend web applications and person-to-person speech into an integrated
> user experience. He has many years hands-on experience with the OpenBTS
> project, working closely with the core development team on numerous
> installations.
> Tim is currently working on the Phono.com, Tropo.com and Rayo.org products
> at VoxeoLabs, producing web developer-friendly APIs by using XMPP protocols
> to drive innovative telephony applications that can be used anywhere by
> anyone.
> - The 3D Printed Revolution
> Over recent years Open Source 3D printers have quickly developed alongside
> their commercial counterparts offering affordable and accessible
> alternatives. This talk will cover experiences using commercial printers and
> how the speaker's interests have moved to open source designs and how the
> two compare. Examples will be shown of projects using these technologies,
> such as "Fable", a clock manufactured by Selective Laser Sintering, and a
> wrist watch designed to be printed on a RepRap. There will also be a run
> through of the design considerations and how files were created, fixed and
> sliced in preparation to print on a RepRap.
> Mark Gilbert graduated in 2000 from Sheffield Hallam University with a
> degree in Industrial Design Innovation. After several years working as a
> design engineer, Mark started working as a freelance industrial designer for
> several companies in the Northwest. Over the last 6 years he has also worked
> closely with the Bolton Science and Technology Centre as the "Designer in
> Residence" where he has developed workshops around the centre's 3D printing
> and CAD facilities.
> In 2008 Mark set up the design studio Gilbert13 with his wife Angela where
> they design and develop products inspired by experimentation into digital
> manufacturing processes, 3D printing and additive manufacturing. Recent
> projects have taken their experience from rapid prototyping to use 3D
> printing as a manufacturing tool that can change the way people design, co
> create and distribute objects.
> - The Bots are Coming
> In the last two decades we have seen software and data change the fabric of
> economics, and the advent of personal computing and the Internet enable many
> new business models. However, the next two decades will be even more radical
> as that wave of innovation shifts from the virtual domain to a physical
> manifestation. Atoms are the new bits and the open sourcing and
> democratisation of bot technology is allowing us to enter into an era of
> personal production. And this talk will explore how 3D printing and additive
> manufacturing are revolutionising production as we know it.
> Alan Wood originally trained in systems engineering, got lost in software
> engineering and open source for a decade, before returning back to his
> hardware roots via the open source hardware and makers movement that has
> gathered momentum over the last few years.
> - DIYBIO - The Next Frontier
> DIYBIOMCR is an public group based at MadLab dedicated to making biology an
> accessible pursuit for citizen scientists, amateur biologists and biological
> engineers who value openness and safety. This talk will give an overview of
> the movement, and what is going on at MadLab involving not only biology but
> also diverse fields such as hardware-hackers, artists, journalists and the
> open-source movement.
> Hwa Young Jung is a co-founder and a director of MadLab, a community centre
> for creative, tech and science based the Manchester. Over 50 user groups
> meet once a month, including DIYBIOMCR, initially a joint funded project
> with MMU and the Wellcome Trust.
> ** Sunday Workshops
> Workshops will be reasonably informal and shaped by the participants, and
> details are subject to change depending upon the level of interest
> expressed.
> Please feel free to bring along equipment and components provided that you
> are able to take full responsibility for your own personal safety and that
> of others. Common sense should be exercised!
> - Practical IoT Applications with the Google ADK and Arduino
> Hands on IoT building sessions that follow on from Saturday's ADK and
> Arduino talks.
> - Interfacing the Raspberry Pi to the World
> Here you will learn how to connect a selection of devices to your Raspberry
> Pi utilising the methods discussed during Saturday's talk. We will have a
> few Raspberry Pi boards available for the workshop but please bring your own
> if you were one of the lucky ones to have received one.
> - Building GSM Networks with Open Source
> A look at the practical steps involved in creating a low power GSM network
> using open source technology.
> Note: this workshop will be subject to a spectrum licence being granted.
> - Practical 3D Printing
> Details TBC.
> Note:
> * Please aim to arrive for 09:00 on the Saturday as the event will start at
> 09:30 prompt.
> * A light lunch and refreshments will be provided on the Saturday.
> Sponsored by:
> Capital SCF: http://www.capitalscf.com
> DesignSpark: http://www.designspark.com
> Cosm: https://cosm.com
> OSHCamp kit bags provided by:
> SK Pang: http://www.skpang.co.uk
> Oomlout: http://oomlout.com
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