[HacktionLab] bethemedia Network meeting on same weekend as spring hacktionlab?

bou bou at aktivix.org
Sun Feb 19 12:47:10 UTC 2012


this is a proposal to have a joined meeting, with one day dedicated to
one and second day dedicated to the other.

Would that suit hacktionlab?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[bethemedia] Network meeting?
Date: 	Sat, 18 Feb 2012 21:43:43 +0000
From: 	cactus at aktivix.org
Reply-To: 	bethemedia at lists.riseup.net
To: 	bethemedia at lists.riseup.net

I was thinking we need a UK network meeting for BTM to have a date to  
work towards with our ideas for the BTM site and our local sites

So i will throw out an idea of having a BTM meeting in London in  
Spring... maybe as an extra day or half day onto a hacktion lab meet  
that is being discussed. (if Hacktion lab people dont want this - no  
problem we can do another date)

Any opinions on this? We are still having good talks about this in  
London but still not at any proposal stage. Would like to hear what  
you are all thinking and maybe we can all come with ideas to throw  
into the pot - as lists seem to a bit eratic for discussions just now.

cheers tony

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