[HacktionLab] Exciting news from HacktionLab - summer roadshow?

llanos gorditazz at aktivix.org
Mon Jan 23 22:17:31 UTC 2012

Quoting M3shrom <m3shrom at riseup.net>:

> When talking about HacktionLab on tour, No-one came forward to organise
> a BarnCamp but we are up for doing workshops at other events.

I know it's early days but I've checked shamabala's website and  
applications for the rebel soul tend are now open. The application  
seems quite straight forward so we don't need to commit at this point  
to deliver anything. We only need to give a description, link to  
website and numbers. They get fully booked quite quickly so it'd be  
good to get it sent. I won't be able to attend though as I'll be away  
then but I'm happy to take care of it if some people are up for it.


Also, the green gathering seems to be happening this year. We could  
consider having a tend there??



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