[HacktionLab] "secure email list services"

Martin charlychemnitz at yahoo.de
Fri May 4 08:01:45 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I won't have time to prepare much, but perhaps somebody too is interested in 
looking into:


Essentially, what it does is to provide GnuPG encrypted mailing lists. 
Everybody who is on such a list with more than 5 people knows the pain: 
everybody always needs to encrypt for everybody and things go wrong.

Proxy Re-Encryption to the rescue. The idea is that the sender encrypts to a 
re-encryption key and the server transforms that encryption so that it 
encrypts for every recipient *without* being able to decrypt the message. So 
if the server gets seized/compromised no content is revealed. See:


This idea was implemented for GnuPG and I'd be interested in checking out the 
software to see how user friendly it is etc. (joining a list becomes more 
difficult since there is some key negotiation to be done) The idea being to 
eventually set-up this SELS thing as a service so it's easy for people to have 
GnuPG encrypted mailing lists, i.e., mailing lists with end-to-end encryption 
without relying on a trusted third server.


PS: The authors also wrote research papers which give a bit more in-depth 


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